
The Place to Find Out About Good New Stuff.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Welcome to the Sneezer's Pages!

Welcome to Gesundheit, my pet project geared towards sharing news about new stuff with everyone in the world. If you aren't familiar with what a 'sneezer' is, let me share. A 'sneezer' is a buzz term that refers to the person in a circle of friends or some such who turns everyone else on to new stuff. I'm adopting this term for myself for a little while, as I often find myself coming across items or stories or what not that I feel everyone should be aware of - life-improving, if you will. I'm going to write everything from beauty products to websites to books to music to movies to stores to whatever you want. The point is, I hear about a ton from all over the place that no one else seems to have heard of yet, so here I am to share! Hope you find bits you like, and definitely let me hear about it!



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