Welcome to the Sneezer's Pages!
Welcome to Gesundheit, my pet project geared towards sharing news about new stuff with everyone in the world. If you aren't familiar with what a 'sneezer' is, let me share. A 'sneezer' is a buzz term that refers to the person in a circle of friends or some such who turns everyone else on to new stuff. I'm adopting this term for myself for a little while, as I often find myself coming across items or stories or what not that I feel everyone should be aware of - life-improving, if you will. I'm going to write everything from beauty products to websites to books to music to movies to stores to whatever you want. The point is, I hear about a ton from all over the place that no one else seems to have heard of yet, so here I am to share! Hope you find bits you like, and definitely let me hear about it!
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