
The Place to Find Out About Good New Stuff.

Monday, July 17, 2006

"Curly Sue, Where Are You?"

Am I imagining that that is a saying or some song, or did I just make that up? Whatever. The point is, my friend Jen sent me a question and I am going to try to answer it - and include you all on my maybe limited wisdom on this topic.

So, Jen asked me about eyelash curlers - what I would recommend for one of those torturous devices. Once you get the hang of the things, I guess they're not so bad, but the occasional slip and curling of the actual eyelid is enough to make me stay away most of the time. But I digress. In response to one woman's quest for the perfect eyelash curler, I have a two-part answer, and it goes a little something like this....

Meet Shu Uemura's super eyelash curler. Upfront, let me tell you that I have NOT tried this thing. This is the curler that I have read in fashion mags is their favorite pick. I'm still not sure why - it looks like every other curler I've seen. Now, I've tried styles like this one and find them a little unwieldy. Discounting that fact in light of the fact that sometimes I'm just a klutz, I still can't figure what makes this thing soooo awesome that its worth paying $18 for. SO, here is my non-Cosmo/Elle/Glamour answer to Jen's question:

Here is my personal preference. Sephora's lash curler AND brow brush in one. And its only $5. Travels well, doesn't stick out all over the place like the gangly versions (see above photo). Performs two functions. I just can't see any reason why something that costs 2-3 times as much is any better. I don't discourage you all from buying whichever version you decide is best for you, but you know, for $5, you might as well try my choice first and if you hate it - you're only down the cost of a beer.

All of this lash discussion is inspiring me. Stay tuned for a soon-to-arrive post about fake lashes and loving them.


Blogger Maura said...

The regular Sephora one is great too--I have it. You just have to make sure to POSITION the curler before squeezing, and you're golden. Eyelash curling in a rush is a no no--eeeek!!

6:06 AM  

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