
The Place to Find Out About Good New Stuff.

Friday, April 13, 2007

New Music Time

Yes, it is time for new tunes. Brought to you today, this fine Friday the 13th, because tonight I am going to a live concert for a change! It takes a lot these days for me to want to spend that ridiculous amount of money through Ticketmaster to go to a show, so this one's gonna be good. Mat Kearney.
Nice chin, huh? His music is even nicer! Ooh, and I just read that he's on The View this morning - not sure how I feel about that, but what can you do? So, he's making the rounds of all the talk shows, and he's recently had a song featured on the show "Jericho" (which I've never seen but who cares). Think of a voice that sounds like Chris Martin meets Adam Duritz. Its pretty sweet and he writes songs that have a mix of acoustic pop and funky beats/je ne sais quoi. Well, I do sais quoi, but I'm not sure how to explain it. It just makes me bop a little in my desk chair. The openers tonight are a Brit band called The Feeling, and some dude Rocco DeLucca who I think might also be British? Got this quote off of his website: "The blues died when they took the 'fuck' out of it." Based on that quote, I think I'm going to really like this guy. I'll let you know after I see him tonight.


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