
The Place to Find Out About Good New Stuff.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ace Your Travel

Miss me? I did. I mean, I missed you all. *sigh* Its sad, but I just haven't felt inspired by so many new things for a while. However, today I perked up and realized I have a lot more cool, new things to share than I thought! Check it out...

So, its only in 4 cities right now, but if you are IN one of these cities, stay here. OR, I would even go so far as to suggest going out of your way to stay at one of these hotels. No joke.

The Ace Hotel

We stayed at the Ace in Portland, OR for our honeymoon. Originally scheduled for 2 nights, we stayed for a third and the hotel did have a part in that decision. Its just... cool. The Ace bills themselves as a vintage-mod venue at a very reasonable cost. In Portland, the lobby opens on one side to a great coffee shop and on the other side to a super cool and popular bar and restaurant (Clyde Common). We hit the bar on our last night in town and met some great people. Oh, and they had a crazy list of whiskey/scotch, a-like so:

You can find the Ace Hotel in Portland, Seattle, Palm Springs and NYC. Just a very laid-back, comfortable, FUN, and affordable place. You'll become a loyal fan as soon as you walk in.